Arun's International Performances
The Algerian Jazz Festival, Constantine with Dr. L Subramaniam
The International Percussion festival held at Krakow with Layatharanga
The Barcelona Music Festival, with the famous Spanish guitarist Pepe Habichualla
The Lakshminarayana Global Festival at Leipzeg Germany - with Dr. L Subramaniam
With the Raj Hans Orchestra, Belgium
The Coin Street Festival, London
The concert for The United Nations, New York- with Dr. L Subramaniam
The Europe Yoga Conference concert at Zinal, Switzerland
Celebration of 50th Year Indian Independence at Netherlands
Part of the renowned singer Sri S P Balasubramanyam’s 50 years celebration world tour
With Moby Duck, a U K based company for an inter-cultural collaborative storytelling project that was performed in South Africa with the South African dance company ‘ Tribhangi’
With the Chitralekha Dance Company, U.K, for a dance-theatre project 'Tears of Fire'